5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Many people don’t realize there are more benefits to receiving chiropractic care than just pain relief. Pain relief is the number one reason we see people in my office.

Most people have tried almost everything before they end up in my office. So Number 1 on the list is pain relief.

1. Pain Relief

Chiropractic is very effective in relieving pain. Multiple research studies have shown that chiropractic is considered one of the most safe and effective treatments to reduce pain from your neck, low back, and more. Even if you are suffering from spinal stenosis, disc herniations, or foraminal encroachment- chiropractic may be able to help.

2. Reduce Headaches

Researchers have discovered that chiropractic care can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. There is over 20 million people that suffer from headaches every day. Not to be confused with migraines. 1 in 4 households has someone who suffers from a migraine.

The most common type of headaches includes; tension headaches and migraines. Tension headaches often include neck pain, muscle pain, and facial pain. Migraines are usually throbbing, can cause nausea and light sensitivity, and some even include an aura.

3. Reduce Medication use

Researchers have discovered that people who receive chiropractic care are 49% less likely to fill an opioid prescription. All medications have a side effect and the less you can take the better off you are. I have always said every chemical you take will have a reaction at some point, somewhere in your body.

Even what many people consider to be “safe” medications like NSAID’s contribute to over 100,000 hospitalizations, and over 3,000 deaths each year. Also, acetaminophen is the number one cause of liver failure!

4. Better Sleep

The chiropractic adjustment helps reset your nervous system by calming it down. So in turn you sleep much better after an adjustment. It also resets the brain, which regulates all the hormones and essential nutrients in the body.

5. Prevents Problems

Once you have reached maintenance care, coming in once a month actually helps you prevent the initial problem from resurfacing. When you have injured yourself, you are more prone to reinsuring the same area again. Unfortunately we are creatures of habit, so we tend to continue to do the same things that caused problems in the first place.

Many people want to quit care as soon as they don’t have pain. This is a mistake simply because pain is the first symptom to leave. Healing takes time! Just like cutting yourself. When you cut yourself it hurts, your body will build a “scab” over the area and it quits hurting. It then takes a week or several to completely heal. That’s talking 24/7 healing. (And considering your not picking at the scab!)

Once a month can keep you from re-injuring yourself and causing you to have to start back over seeing the chiropractor 6-12 or more visits. (Thats a full years worth of once a month care!! It will actually SAVE you money.)


Chiropractic care has many many benefits! 5 is just the tip of the iceberg. If you have any questions on how chiropractic can help you or if chiropractic can improve your quality of life give us or a chiropractor near you a call.

Chiropractic care is full body wellness. We look at the reason for the pain and fix the issue rather than put a bandaid on it. For a better quality of life give us a try!

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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