Dangers of Fluoride in Your Water and Dental Care

What kind of toothpaste do you use? Chances are you have a fluoride toothpaste. Why do you use a toothpaste with fluoride? We are lead to believe that using a fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash and fluoride treatments at the dentist will help with our tooth health.

Did you know fluoride is a neurotoxin?! Sodium fluoride added to water has been linked to various cancers (Fluoride=Neurotoxin). If you are 8 years or older, it is noted that if you ingest 8 milligrams or more of fluoride a day produces skeletal fluorosis.


According to FAN, “The data suggests that up to 24 million adolescents now have some form of dental fluorosis, with over 8 million adolescents having moderate fluorosis, and 840,000 having severe fluorosis.” (Mercola) Dental fluorosis is a change in the tooth’s enamel process. In severe cases it can cause pitting and brown spotting.

Sources where we get fluoride from include any beverage made with fluorinated water, fluorinated tap water, food washed in fluorinated water, pesticides that are sprayed on our foods, teflon pans, supplements or medications, toothpaste, mouthwash, and topical fluoride. The age range with the highest amount of fluoride in their diet is infants that are bottle-fed with formula, due to using fluorinated water.

Daily Allowed Amount

A 1-3 year old can “safely” consume 0.6 mg a day from all sources. Many studies suggest that just from brushing twice a day, children will consume 2 mg of fluoride from swallowing toothpaste. Women aged 14 and older are allowed a daily amount of 3 mg of fluoride. Men aged 19 and older are allowed 4 mg of fluoride daily.

Links to check out:

50 Reason to Oppose Fluoride

9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure

Is Fluoride Bad for You

Toothpastes that are Fluoride-Free

In my household we use fluoride free toothpaste. (Obviously!) There are many options for fluoride free! When looking for a “natural” toothpaste I look for a toothpaste that doesn’t have: Fluoride, SLS ( Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), Artificial Flavors / Colors, Artificial Sweeteners, DEA, Propylene Glycol, and Triclosan.

Currently I am using Hello Free Whitening Sweet Mint Toothpaste and Dirt Tooth Powder. Tooth powder is a different experience. A little goes a long way. You dip your toothbrush in the jar and knock off the excess. A full jar lasts 6 months (and in my house I alternate toothpaste with tooth powder, so mine has lasted longer than 6 months! Also, I haven’t gotten my husband on board with the tooth powder yet….). Tooth powder leaves your teeth feeling much cleaner than toothpaste.

When you use tooth powder, it will discolor your toothbrush. That is normal, no need to panic. If you want to buy the toothpastes/powders I enjoy, check out Thrive Market.

How to Prevent Cavities

DIET!!! Remove sugar from the food you eat. Also, remove Phytic acid foods.  Make sure you are getting enough minerals such as calcium and magnesium, as well as fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). Brush your teeth twice a day and you can try oil pulling! (Oil pulling along with a strict diet, has been shown to reverse cavities.)

If you want any information regarding natural alternatives to health and wellness try chiropractic!! Chiropractors are whole body doctors who find the root of your problems rather than throwing a pill at you for a symptom. Everything you put into your body can be a possible cause of pain, as well as, anything you do physically to your body can cause pain!

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

Thrive Market

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