Gas, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea, or Constipation

Ever have any of these symptoms? How about all of them at some point in life? Weekly? Daily? What is your go to medicine for relief? Pepto Bismol, TUMs, pickle juice?

What if I were to tell you reflux, heartburn or upset stomach, are actually symptoms most commonly caused, by not having enough stomach acid to digest your food. We are made to believe it is more common to have too much stomach acid. Which makes you believe you need to pop a TUM’s or drink Pepto Bismol to get relief.

So if you don’t have enough acid and you throw something that decreases acid into your stomach, it only starts a vicious cycle and makes all the symptoms worse.

Do you take Prilosec? Pepcid? Zantac? Nexium?

Did you know you are not suppose to take any of those medications for more then 2 weeks at a time? Three of the four medicines I listed are proton pump inhibitors. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) reduced the production of acid by the stomach wall. PPIs are now associated with a increased death risk, along with kidney problems, dementia and bone fractures! All for an upset stomach or heartburn?!!

Well I have one or more of those symptoms. What else am I suppose to do?

Let me introduce you to a digestive enzyme! A digestive enzyme is designed to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. In my office we use Heprotase. Side effects include: decrease in your cholesterol, regularity of bowel movements, getting rid of heartburn and upset stomach, headaches, as well as decreasing gas and bloating.

*The only time we do not tell a patient to take a digestive enzyme is if they are diabetic. Amylase (one of the main ingredients) breaks down starch into sugar, so it will in turn raise your sugar levels.*

My Story

While pregnant with my son (my first child), I was very lucky in the  fact that I only had heartburn 2-3 times. Old wives tale says, if you have heartburn, the child will have hair. At that point, I was totally fine with him being completely bald! Anyone who has heartburn will understand.

In my few times, it always happened at night. I tried sleeping sitting up. (That doesn’t work well in a bed.) I tried TUMs, pickle juice, milk, you name it. I googled all the “natural” home remedies! So with my second child, I took a heprotase with lunch and dinner religiously. The one SINGLE time I didn’t take it, guess what….. I got heartburn! Ugh.

I also FORCE my husband to take a heprotase with his meals. Especially if there is any dairy or egg product being consumed. To be nice, I will just say if he skips a “pill”, I pay for it later. (Women with husbands or even boyfriends know what I’m talking about!!)

Chiropractic side of stomach issues

(You know I have to throw in what chiropractic can do!)

Nerves that exit the spine which connect to the stomach, come from T6. T6 is between your shoulder blades. Stomach issues can arise because of a problem to do with your spine, example being scoliosis or fixation, as well as, your stomach can cause you to have pain between your shoulder blades. They go hand in hand, if you have one, you will have the other. Not saying it will be a major issue with your spine, but on palpation you will be notably tender. You can also have tenderness between your shoulder blades but deny having any issues with your stomach. Rest assured you most likely have some form of stomach issue. Gas, constipation, diarrhea, heart burn, ect.

Start paying attention to what your body is telling you! Come in to get your spine checked! While your at it grab a bottle of Heprotase! Your stomach (and cholesterol) will thank you! If you can’t stop by our office, you can pick up a bottle in our online store.

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.
El Reno, OK 73036

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