
Many people haven’t heard of monolaurin, but it is derived from coconut oil! Yes that wonderful healthy coconut oil and it is also found in breast milk. When you consume coconut oil the body converts lauric acid into monolaurin.

Monolaurin has anti fungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties and research has shown that it is an effective killer of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It kills by inactivating the lipid-coated viruses by binding to the lipid-protein envelope of the virus, which prevents the virus from attaching and entering host cells, making infection and replication impossible. Other studies show that Monolaurin disintegrates the protective viral envelope, killing the virus.


  1. Fights cold and flus. It has been noted since 1966 that monolaurin has had the ability to kill viruses! One of the best ways to combat an infection is through a naturally strong immune system. You can support a healthy immune system through positive lifestyle changes like adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and potentially dietary supplements.

2. Fights cold sore or fever blisters. Cold sores or fever blisters are typically caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and are both common and contagious. However, other triggers include stress, fatigue, hormonal changes, weakened immunity among others. Taking 1,000mg of Monolaurin supplement three times a day will increase support cold sore relief. Adding in L-lysine to combat fever blisters as well is a winning combination.

3. Antibiotic resistant bacteria. The awesome thing is that monolaurin and lauric acid derived from coconut oil demonstrate the ability to inactivate pathogenic bacteria while not affecting beneficial probiotics. So they are much healthier than anti-biotics and don’t wreak havoc on your gut, as your immune system is 70% in your gut.

4. Chronic fatigue. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by a state of extreme fatigue that persists for more than 6 months and has no underlying medical condition. It is thought that CFS is caused by an infection by either Ebstein Barr Virus or Mononucleosis. By taking Monolaurin and killing the virus that is living inside the body, you will disintegrate the virus thus by not allowing it to replicate.

Where to find it

Monolaurin is converted in the body from Lauric acid.

  • Human breast milk
  • Coconut oil, which is the second best source after breast milk
  • Coconut milk
  • Coconut cream
  • Coconut meat


When your feeling down and out, first line of defense should be to cut all sugar out of the diet! Sugar is a pro-inflammatory and viruses, bacteria and cancer feeds on it. Second should be all iced drinks. You only want to drink liquids at room temperature or hotter. Third is go grab that echinacea, monolaurin, vitamin c, vitamin d, and zinc. The more you can boost your immune system the better chance you have to shorten the virus or bacteria that is invading the body.

Another important step is to call your chiropractor! Getting the spine adjusted and reseting the immune system will help it function at a higher rate and allow you to kick that illness. Chiropractic looks at the entire body as a whole and helps it function better. Stay away from fever reducers unless the fever gets to 104 or greater. Then a luke warm bath is suggested before reaching for that medicine. The body’s defense to killing viruses and bacteria is to heat the body up to kill invaders. Why would you want to decrease the first line of defense?

To get feeling better today, give us or a chiropractor near you a call!

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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