Myth or Fact: Once I Go to a Chiropractor I Will Always Have to Go


Chiropractic can help with a whole list of problems. Once you have been to the chiropractor to get a problem fixed, you don’t HAVE to go back. Now let me say that again. Once you have the issue you came in for completely fixed, completely being the key word. Chiropractic is not a one time walk in walk out fix.

Treatment depends on:

  • How long you have had the pain
  • How many times in your life you have experienced the issue
  • What you did to injure yourself
  • If you have any complicating factors on x-ray
  • If you have any numbness, tingling or radiating pain down arms, legs or other areas
  • What you do outside the office to re-injure yourself!

Some treatment plans are as simple as 3 times a week for a week or two. Re-evaluate. Then 1-2 times a week for a couple of weeks before either being released or choosing to go to monthly visits. Or you could have some serious issues and need to be seen for 3 times a week for several weeks.

Desired Outcome

When you walk into a chiropractic office, you need to have your end goal in mind. Do you want to be completely pain free? Are you just wanting to be able to brush your hair or put on your shoes by yourself again? Do you want to get rid of your headaches completely or just don’t want terrible migraines?

Some conditions may need to have more done than just have muscle work and adjustments. They may need help with looking at what you eat and try an elimination diet or start supplements.

So come prepared to know what you want out of the visit. Our goal as your physician is wanting to get you to a stage where you are completely happy and healthy.

What happens once you are pain free?

Congrats! You are pain free! Now to determine if you want to stay pain free and come in monthly to help maintain or improve joint movement and stability. Or if you want to call it quits and call when you have problems again.

There are a few reasons why I ALWAYS try to suggest a once a month visit.

  • Spinal adjustments help boost your immune system and will decrease the amount of times you get sick.
  • Spinal adjustments help maintain joint mobility and decrease the likely-hood of degeneration.
  • Seeing you once a month can catch minor problems before they become serious problems. Would you rather see a chiropractor 12 times a year and always feel good? OR Would you rather see a chiropractor when you are in pain for an initial treatment of 12(+) visits in a month? (Personally I would rather spread my money over a year vs. one month! And I want to feel good all year!)
  • Spinal adjustments helps reduce injuries due to always getting re-aligned.
  • Continued care can help reduce your blood pressure, help with your mood, increase your energy, improve your digestion and help you sleep better.
Choose maintenance care

People like the way they feel after the adjustment. So it is very likely you may want to come in regularly. You know what it feels like to be aligned and care about your health. If that’s not you, that is also perfectly fine.


If you ever have a question whether chiropractic can help you or not give me a shout! I am more than happy to answer any questions. I am a true believer that you should start with the least invasive treatment first before venturing other avenues. Even a “Tylenol” is introducing a chemical into your body, which in turn can have serious side effects, that could be avoided all together.

If your chiropractor isn’t getting the results you both desire, that is when you can be referred out to try something new. BUT, if the chiropractor is your first line of defense, chances are very very high that you will get amazing results in very little time! When you put off the chiropractor to your last resort is when we start having problems with expectations!

Pain is not a normal thing that should be put off to “maybe” go away. Get it checked out when its a minor problem before it becomes a MAJOR problem.

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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