Oils, Aromas and Ointments: Natural Ways To Enhance Your Health

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Your body is an intricate, powerful and fascinating entity; full of chemical processes and reactions which allow you to live a happy and vibrant life every day. We all want to have the healthiest body we can in order to live longer, fight off diseases and feel energized. Our immune system is so important to maintain and nourish, without it we would be prone to inflammation and a variety ailments. Some of the best ways to improve your immune system and overall health, along with chiropractic care, is to add antioxidants, oils and supplements into your diet, all of which will help your body to thrive in unique ways.

Dreamy Drinks

The average human body is made up of around 60% water, which means we need to keep replenishing this supply throughout the day. Drinking plenty of fresh filtered water is one of the most effective ways to keep your body functioning correctly. Lack of water will lead to dehydration, dry skin and whole host of other debilitating problems. It may seem obvious but drinking enough water is the key to getting adequate sleep and feeling energized every day. Another way you can drink yourself healthy is by adding a special supplement to your morning coffee.  

Keto Kreme Coffee Creamer contains a whole host of nourishments which will have a positive impact on your body. From collagen to antimicrobial nutrients and fatty acids you can improve your gut health, skin and cell repair drinking this every so often, along with your daily water intake.

Careful Compounds

There are many cellular processes which take place in our body and create a type of waste. These substances can be harmful to our bodies if they aren’t neutralized and can cause inflammation, which lead to further complications and illnesses. In order to combat this inflammatory symptom we can incorporate additional antioxidants into our diet and neutralize these free radicals. Plant foods will be your best friend when it comes to consuming antioxidants here are a few foods which will get you started:

Broccoli, strawberries, kiwi, oranges – Vitamin C (for growth and repair of tissue)

Almonds, avocados and olive oil – Vitamin E (regulates metabolism and curbs disease)

Kale, carrots, sweet potatoes – Vitamin A (for vision and bone health)

Antioxidants are most effective when consumed as whole foods, as long as you’re getting a rainbow of nutrient dense fruits, vegetables, nuts and oils you will be consuming enough to keep your body functioning in a healthy way.

Outstanding Oils

Finally there are several naturally occurring oils which can hugely benefit your overall health and wellbeing. Adding a variety of oils into your daily routine will help combat a whole host of health problems. Three of the most detoxifying and therapeutic oils include:

Lemon Oil – cleans and clears your blood and rids toxins

Peppermint Oil – ease headaches, indigestion and reduce cravings

Lavender Oil – heals and restores your body and supports better sleep.

Adding a range of natural oils and supplements into your everyday life will help your body to rest, recover and restore its cells in the most effective way possible. Feel revitalized as you nourish your body with these detoxifying substances.

Chiropractic Care

The chiropractic adjustment boosts your immune system along with helping keep you at optimal function. When you get an adjustment by a chiropractor, it increases antibodies in your blood and decreases the anti-inflammatory response. If you have any questions on how to add healthy oils and supplements into your diet, ask your chiropractor! We will be happy to assist you.

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC
El Reno, OK 73036

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