Restless Legs

Have you ever sat too long and your toes, feet and legs feel like they are tingly and heavy? This is due to cutting off the blood and nerve supply to your legs. To make you move, your body parts start tingling so you don’t cause damage to your tissues.

Problems in your legs can come from several different causes.

  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Varicose veins
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hyper- or hypothyroidism
  • Pregnancy
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency, such as magnesium deficiency and vitamin B-12 deficiency
  • Kidney problems
  • Damage or irritation to spinal nerves

Can’t Get Comfortable

I am almost 32 years old! AHH… But, due to the fact that ::I have fallen out of a tree at the age of 10::, ::have a scoliosis and wear a lift in my right shoe::, ::had two pregnancies:: and ::fight people to get them adjust 4 days a week::, sometimes at night I can’t get comfortable!

If I neglect myself and don’t get worked on and adjusted, at night my legs feel very unsettling. I can’t quit moving them and they feel as if I just can’t sit still. It’s hard to fall asleep and find the right position to be comfortable. Those are the nights that I get an ice pack out of the freezer and put it on the small of my low back. (Ice reduces inflammation and takes pressure of the nerves.) Then the next day, I make sure I get ADJUSTED!

You don’t have to have low back pain to have issues with your low back! Your body’s way of protecting itself from damage is to put fluid in areas of possible damage. This causes a “cushion” and for a while you won’t have any issues. Until…. You build up enough fluid to start putting pressure on nerves, blood vessels and start having “symptoms” of pain, numbness, soreness and/or weakness.


All nerves exit the spine and the supply to your legs comes from your low back. Issues with your low back can lead to:

  • Pain, numbness and tingling in your legs.
  • Pain, numbness, weakness in the low back.
  • Shooting pain down one or both legs (often referred to as sciatica).
  • Hip pain or tightness.
  • Buttocks pain.
  • Toe pain, numbness, burning or tingling.
  • Restless Legs.

I am a big proponent of taking x-rays. I don’t always take them, but they are such a huge tool on telling your spinal health and how much damage has occurred. (If I had a superpower it would be x-ray vision!) I am also a huge proponent that everyone should be getting maintenance chiropractic. Now listen to my reasoning.

If you go to a dentist for braces. You go once a month (sometimes more) to get the wires changes and tightened to “straighten” your teeth. Once your teeth are straight, you wear a retainer for a period of time, then transition to only nightly, then only once in a while to keep your teeth “perfect“. I got my braces off at age 13 and still about once every two weeks I wear my retainers to bed. (Nerdy I know, but I went through a lot of pain to get my teeth straight!)

Why wouldn’t I want to do the same to my spine? Once I am pain or symptom free, why would I not want to stay that way?! Once a month (or depending on your job, spinal health, and daily activity, maybe more) getting an adjustment can help make sure your not causing more degeneration and damage to your spine.

Call us or a chiropractor near you to start feeling better and living a healthier life! Chiropractic isn’t a one visit fix. Just like taking a pill isn’t a one pill fix. You have to continue to take a pill (chemical) everyday until you get tired of taking it. Even if you don’t have pain, its always a good idea to get your spine checked! Prevention will allow you to live a longer, healthier, pain free life.

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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