That Sugar Craving

During the holiday season people like to splurge on sugar at every get together. That holiday party is a time to kick back and have a fruity drink or two and sample every dessert that was brought to the party.

Did you know when you eat or drink sugar you actually increase pain. So if you are currently having an issue with pain or fatigue, sugar is going to make it worse. We are made to believe that if you drink this drink (full of sugar) we will instantly get more energy or will be satisfied. Truth is, you may get a small energy kick before a crash or endorphins are released before leaving you wanting more. Both lead you to drink more sugar to get another pick me up.

When you eat or drink sugar, you will crave sugar. How much soda do you consume on a daily basis? Each 12 ounce coke you drink has 39 grams of sugar. Doesn’t sound like much, but the daily amount allowed for women is 35 grams of sugar per day and for men is 38 grams of sugar per day. So just one coke already puts you over your daily allowed amount.

A good article to read about the deadly effects sugar has on your body is one by Mercola. What happens in your body when you eat too much sugar? Liver damage, hypertension, dementia, and PCOS just to name a few. If you have widespread pain (like fibromyalgia or constant full body pain) or fatigue, think about looking at what your eating and drinking. Cutting sugar will help lower pain, help you sleep and make you feel better overall.

For the sake of your health, moderation is key. If you want to sample something make sure you are only sampling it. A little bit of sugar goes a long way! (And sugar is hiding everywhere! Bread, flavored yogurt, sweets, drinks..)

Find new ways to get your sugar fix. Eat fruits! If you’re like me, (I LOVE SWEETS) I like to have a little something sweet after dinner. Try having an applesauce, plain yogurt with fruit in it, or a single piece of candy. I wish I could say I was great and cut out sugar completely. That’s just realistically never going to happen for long term. I have done cleanses and done well, but sugar always creeps back into my diet. Again MODERATION is key.

Start reading labels. If you’re a woman try to stay lower than 35 grams of sugar a day, if you’re a man stay below 38 grams a day. See what your number is at the end of the day. If it’s way higher than the allowed amount, you should highly consider re-evaluating your diet.

Doctors of Chiropractic can help you with a diet plan (suited for you) or hold you accountable for your sugar fixes. Call for a consultation on how to become a healthier you. Diet, exercise and spinal health are the essentials to a long healthy life. Start the New Year out right!

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.
El Reno, OK 73036

  1. Johnny Haxton

    December 15, 2017 at 8:21 pm

    Dr Lacey… love the office.. I have done low carb dieting and when I do it I have never felt better in my life. Joint pain almost completely goes away and gut health improves. But I am a carboholic. Any thoughts on how to conquer that? Do you have thoughts on probiotics? See you Monday at next appt. Johnny Haxton

    1. Lcarder21

      December 18, 2017 at 6:18 pm

      I’m glad you love it! My suggestion will always be whole wheat. I love my breads. I try to limit my bread eating, because I can totally get carried away with them! With probiotics… We have a pretty good one we sell, but I prefer getting “good” bacteria from foods and other sources rather than a pill. I’ve never really bought into the thought process that you NEED to always be taking a probiotic. Unless you have just had a round of antibiotics. I suggest eating foods like kefir, sauerkraut, miso, and pickled items. (Along with others.)

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