Travel Sickness: How to Protect Your Health Abroad

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Traveling comes with the possibility of danger, many of which can be avoided by taking the right precautions. Here are just some of the important measures worth taking when travelling abroad that could keep you out of harm’s way – or at the very least get you access to treatment.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Before you take off on that vacation, make sure to stop in to your chiropractor. Getting adjusted before a big trip can help you feel and stay well. It will help boost your immune system to fight off anything you may come in contact with. (Which includes all those silly people coughing on the airplane!)

On my first trip to Hawaii, at age 13, I got SUPER sick on the airplane. I was in the very middle seat (9 wide) and not moving for 5+ hours, really messed with me. It was my first “long” flight. I spent most of the first day in Hawaii laying in bed, while my little brother got to learn to surf. (GRR) My father adjusted me a couple of times that first day and by that evening I felt much better! (If you can rent your chiropractor, take them with you on your trip! Totally kidding… Unless you wanna take me with you! 😂)

Stay Safe in the Sun

The sun can have its health benefits – it can supply our bodies with vitamin D, which can help with bone growth and mental wellness. However, too much exposure to the sun isn’t good for us. Not wearing sun protection has been linked to skin cancer, whilst not wearing sunglasses has been linked to cataracts. Make sure that you’re covering yourself up in the sun – wearing lotion will allow you to get a tan, you just won’t burn. I suggest staying away from mainstream sunscreens, due to all the toxins in them. I like natural and organic, non toxic sunscreens, because what you put on your skin is absorbed into your body. 

Take Care When Drinking Water

It may not be advisable to drink water out of the tap in some foreign countries. The locals may be used to the water quality, it’s possible that it could make you ill. In such countries, it’s advised that you always drink bottled water. Also make sure if you are not at a resort, don’t eat anything that could be washed in water. (My parents went on their honeymoon to Acapulco and ended up eating lettuce that had been washed in the local water. They were sicker than dogs! Not the best honeymoon memory!!)

Bring medical supplies

When you travel anywhere, you should always be prepared. It’s a good idea to bring a small bag of bandaids, Neosporin, and alcohol wipes. In case of sea sickness and nausea, I love giving patients Acupatches. There are acupuncture points on the insides of your wrists, that can be stimulated to help relieve that sick feeling. There are seabands that you can purchase that achieve the same effect. (I also like Acupatches for pregnancy nausea!)

Research the local emergency services

It’s worth always keeping a note of the emergency number for the country you’re travelling in, if you are a daredevil. The last thing you want is to have a medical emergency and not know who to call. If you’re travelling somewhere remote doing an extreme sport or some wild hiking, it could be worth writing down the number of an air ambulance service. You’ll hopefully never need it, but it’s reassuring to have. 

Get insured

Most people think of travel insurance plans and believe they will just refund you if your flight is cancelled. But, they will also pay compensation for any medical treatment you need abroad. The less you pay, the less an insurer is likely to pay out in an emergency, but even the cheapest plans generally will cover you for a $1,000. Some foreign hospitals will refuse treatment if you don’t have any way to pay, even in an emergency! You should print off your travel insurance documents so that you have physical evidence if needed. 

Once Your Home

Get back in to see your chiropractor! (Yes, I said it again!) Jet lag, sleeping in a different bed, having a different pillow or just traveling itself can’t take a toll on your body. Unless you build in a day of rest, most people have to hop right back to work. An adjustment can “reset” you and give you the energy you need to make it through your day, as well as, help with any soreness from your travel.

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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