9 Ways to Kick Flu and Cold Season to the Curb

It’s getting to be that time again. We are already hearing about it here in Oklahoma. It’s flu and cold season. (Yuck!) I very rarely get sick (knock on wood). Mainly due to the following list and due to the fact I get adjusted at LEAST once a week! I see people that are sick year round, so I am constantly testing my immune system.

If you are trying to avoid getting sick or are sick and trying to get well quickly, follow these steps:

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

What you put into your body is super important. When you fuel up with trash, you feel like trash! Stay away from sugar, sugary drinks, lots of bread products, and caffeine. When you load up on energy drinks you will get a small hit of energy then crash hard and need another “energy” drink. Sugar is as additive as cocaine. (<–Truth!) Keeping you immune system healthy and able to fight off invaders, needs a well balanced HEALTHY diet. This means no packaged food or fast food.

2. Warm Liquids

Drinking cold liquids lowers your immune system. Your body has to warm up cold liquids, which will cause an imbalance and lower your core temperature. When fighting a fever, the last thing you want to do is cause problems with your temperature. Drinking hot tea, room temperature water or warm broth is your best bet on fighting a cold and keeping your immune system healthy.

3. Vitamin C and Zinc

Both vitamin C and zinc play an important role in nutrition and immune defense. When coming down with a cold higher doses are needed, as most of the population are already deficient in both. A study that was conducted in 2011 on the effect of vitamin C and zinc can be read here. If you are a smoker, you are more likely to come down with a cold more often than a non-smoker. Smoking interferes with absorption of vital vitamins and minerals (just one of the many reasons to quit!)

4. Echinacea and Elderberry Syrup

Echinacea cuts the chances of catching a common cold by 58 percent. It also reduces the duration of the common cold by almost one-and-a-half days. *Published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases. The best way to take echinacea is to start taking it when you first notice cold symptoms and continue it for a week.  Check out our Echinacea.

Elderberry syrup is very effective in boosting your immune system. Taken before an infection can actually prevent infection! Elderberry syrup can be found in the store, online or you can make your own (and save money)! Make your own elderberry syrup.


5. Chiropractic Adjustment

The spine encases your nervous system. Your immune system is a direct reflection of how well your nervous system is functioning. A chiropractic adjustment actually speeds up the recovery time of a cold, flu, or sinus infection by removing nerve interference. When your body is functioning at an optimal level you can heal quicker.

6. Diathermy

Coughing, sinus congestion and lung issues can be treated with diathermy. (Along with other conditions such as: otitis media, bursitis, diverticulitis and traumatic injuries.) Diathermy decongests the lungs or sinus by shortwave heat. *I will warn you, after getting the diathermy, be prepared to cough up a lot of phlegm! Perks of breaking up the congestion. 😉

7. Rest

This one is a no-brainer. As my dad has always said “You’re burning the candle at both ends.” So when you get wore out and over worked, your immune system isn’t functioning at 100%. So when you start to notice you are getting sick, REST!

8. Leave that Temperature Alone

Temperature is actually a good thing! When your body detects invaders, your body’s defense is to raise your core temperature to kill the bacteria/invaders. To read more about temperatures and when it’s too high click here.

9. Wash your Hands

Wash with good old soap and water. Skip the Germ-X!! When you constantly put on a hand sanitizer, you’re not only killing bad bacteria, you are killing good bacteria! Your body has to be introduced to bacteria and germs to be able to fight off invaders. Plus, overuse of hand sanitizers breed mega-bugs that can’t be killed with normal means.

Bottom Line: Eat well, get enough sleep, take your vitamins and GET ADJUSTED! Give us or a chiropractor near you to start feeling better and stay feeling well!

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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