Got Milk? The Milk Lie

After x-raying patients, I sometimes will ask, “Are you taking any calcium?”. A bone density scan is the best way to tell how much calcium is in your bones, but looking at an x-ray can tell you a lot about bone health. (Obviously!) My least favorite response from patients is “I drink milk everyday!”. Well sorry to ruin your day, you’re actually hurting your bones and body by drinking milk!

Milk Lies

Milk is the PERFECT food for BABY COWS! As humans most of the population does not digest cow milk. Would it surprise you if I told you, you are actually depleting calcium from your bones when you consume milk? A study suggests that more than 60% of the population is lactose intolerant. Meaning the sugar that is in milk, “lactase”, can’t be digested.

The dairy industry has invested billions of dollars on making you believe that milk is good for you. (In 1993 the “milk board” allowed $23 million a year for milk advertising! Let that sink in!) Got Milk? Athletes, actors and everyone in between has been seen with a milk mustache on commercials and print ads. In 2014 they dropped “Got Milk” and switched to “Milk Life“. In 2014 alone the “Milk board” spent over $50 million on advertising. But with sales of $14.4 billion in 2013, they have the money to spend.

The milk industry has told us that milk will make your bones stronger, give you a better complexion, that milk will help you lose weight, and that chocolate milk can help with concussions.

A 12 year long Harvard Nurses’ Health Study found that those who consumed the most calcium from dairy foods broke more bones than those who rarely drank milk. To understand the properties of milk and how they affect the body, Save Our Bones is a great website to visit. They break it down to help you understand the acidic properties of milk. (When our body become too acidic, due to the foods and liquids we consume, our body takes calcium out of our bones to help bring our body back to the correct pH.)

Calcium Alternatives

There are plenty of other sources for calcium, which are healthier for you. 52.6 percent of the calcium in broccoli, 58.8 percent in kale and a whopping 63.8 percent in brussel sprouts is absorbed. Veggies don’t have the backing like milk does and how many kids will eat veggies willingly? I know my son won’t! (Pickiest eater EVER! It drives me bonkers!)

I prefer to have people get nutrition through diet, but let’s face it, people are lazy. Me included. (I work on trying to eat my greens…) My family rarely eats out. We have homemade meals almost every night. Yet I take a calcium supplement. (One that I sell at my office to patients.) I am still nursing my daughter who will be 1 years old on Feb 9th, so the physical demand on me is higher right now. There are also studies that suggest calcium helps reduce symptoms from menstruation.

Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis due to hormone changes during and after menopause. One of every two women over age 50 will likely have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime. That’s twice the rate of fractures in men, which is one in four.


I know what many of you are thinking. There is no way you are giving up your dairy, meat, and/or carbs. That is always a personal decision. You have to live you! Moderation is key. Just don’t believe you’re doing your body good by drinking milk.

I have a half a beef in my freezer as I type and I consume a dairy product at least once a day (butter is life). There is a ton of research on the effects of diet on our bodies and chronic illnesses and everyone should do a little research if you’re curious, follow the money. If you want a ton of articles go to Not Milk.

Doctors of chiropractic can help you with lifestyle changes, diet and alternatives, as well as, any discussion you may want to have! I research everything and ask questions others don’t or won’t. I’ll answer anything you throw at me. Talk to your chiropractor or if you don’t have one, give us a call!

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic
El Reno, OK 73036

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