4 Neck Stretches to Help Your Posture and Pain

As we are traveling up the spine from low back stretches to upper back stretches, lets talk about some neck stretches!

The world we live in today is a technology driven place. They have actually made new diagnosis codes for “Text Neck“! We are always looking down to play on our phones, read books, or sit at a computer. When I look at peoples posture, I sometimes CRINGE! Didn’t your mama teach you to sit up straight?

To take stress of the bones and muscles in your neck, you want your ear to be directly over your shoulder when you look at a profile view.

1. Chin Tucks

Chin tucks are more of an exercise…. But it is one of the most effective ways to help prevent neck pain and to help correct neck posture. To make sure you are doing it correct (the first few times) stand with your back against the wall. You will then make your head touch the wall, hold for 5 seconds and then bring it back to your starting position. (This will make you feel like you are making yourself have a double chin.) Do this about 10 times. You can do this exercise when waking up and before going to bed. (Or any other time your thinking about it.)

(Oh wow my posture! 😳 Guess what I will be working on?!)

(Most UNFLATTERING view EVER!!!! 😱)

2. Rolled Up Towel

Due to the nature of our “technology” world, everyone is at risk of having a reduced cervical curve. To help train your muscles to have the proper lorodic curve (“C” curve you want in your neck), I always tell my patients to use a rolled up towel. There is a lot of fancy, expensive equipment out there to achieve the same process.

So take a hand towel. You want to roll it up and place it behind your neck, right under your skull. Then lay down on a bed, couch, floor (whatever is comfortable). You want to lay on the towel for about 10 minutes per day. Every day.

3. Forward Flexion Stretch

Sit in a straight back chair with both feet on the ground. Sit up straight and bring your chin to your chest. Now look to one shoulder, while still looking down, hold for 10 seconds. Return back to your starting position. Then slowly look to the other shoulder. You should feel a good stretch in you Traps and back of your neck. Once that “stretch” is mastered. Try bringing your nose closer to your shoulder (without hiking your shoulder up). So while looking down bring your nose slightly toward your shoulder. This will give you a better stretch. A little stretch is better than a big stretch. Our goal is to help with neck mobility and muscle stretch. Repeat the stretch to each shoulder 2-3 times, every other day.

4. Lateral Neck Stretch

Sitting in that straight backed chair. Bring your ear to your right shoulder. Let the weight of your head do all the work. You can get more of a stretch if you drop your shoulders down toward the floor (without compromising your posture). When you relax into the stretch you will be able to feel a stretch on your left trap and left side of your neck. Don’t pull on your head. Our goal is to help with tight muscles, we don’t need you coming back to your chiropractor because you hurt yourself!! Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return back to starting position and then do it all again to your left shoulder. Repeat this 2-3 times.

(Hmmm I look tired…. Yes its late Sunday night… 😂)

Just this week I had a patient come in to my office and had hurt his neck. He stretched and actually made it worse! So with all stretches, see your chiropractor first and let them tell you when it is time to start a stretching or exercise program. Chiropractors WANT to help you get and feel better. Resting in the first few days with treatment is usually going to be the best. Once the pain has started to subside, then they will be able to tell you what you should be doing at home.

As always call us to start feeling better! Or a chiropractor close to you or one that you know and trust. Investing in your health is the best way to live a healthy and fulling life!!

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic
El Reno, OK 73036

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