Is Screen Time Causing You Pain?

Do you know anyone that doesn’t own a smart phone or tablet? Chances are there aren’t too many people you can name. I’m guilty for giving my 3 year old son a tablet for Christmas. (Which is used mostly for educational games.)

When you go out to dinner, look around you. There will be tables of people who stare at a screen and never say anything to each other. We have become so interested in a screen that we have lost the art of communication. Have you ever thought you lost your phone, to find it in your hand? Phones are now an extension of us as people.

Look at the persons posture when staring at a screen. They will have hunched shoulders, forward head posture looking down and they are typically slumped forward in their chair.

How Much Screen Time Are You Getting?

The average person spends 5 hours A DAY on their phone!! WHHAAT?! Considering you should be getting 8 hours of rest a night and work an 8 hour day, that only leave 8 hours a day to spend getting ready, cooking lunch/dinner, eating, cleaning, working out, putting kids to bed (and watch your nightly tv shows when the kids go to bed)! No wonder people say there isn’t enough time in the day! You spend all your free time ALONE on your PHONE!

Screen time is addictive and it’s starting at a very early age! Children are getting an average of 7 hours of screen time a day. (That’s a full work day almost!) There are studies that suggest that the amount of screen time causes the gray matter in your brain to atrophy (wasting away). Psychology Today discusses Neuroimaging of the brain and how it is affected.

When Screens Cause Pain.

When you sit in a position with forward head carriage and rounded shoulders and back, you WILL end up with some kind of pain. It’s not a matter of if, but when will you have problems associated to posture.

In fact there is a “new” diagnosis that is called “Text Neck“. Just like it sounds, it is neck pain caused from spending too much time on technology. Forward head posture can cause: headaches,  numbness, tingling or pain down either or both arms, burning or sharp pain in your traps, upper back pain, reduced range of motion, fatigue, and a number of other “symptoms”.

What Can You Do?

  1. Limit screen time! Start a hobby or talk to others around you!
  2. Take breaks and stretch. Here are 4 stretches to help posture and pain.
  3. Watch your posture when checking your phone or computer.
  4. Try Chiropractic!


A chiropractor can assess your posture and help correct what is going on. (Most people don’t realize how terrible their posture is!) They can help alleviate pain and address any reduced range of motion you may be having due to pain or tightness.

At my office if we were to take X-rays, I would give you instructions on how to help a reduced cervical curve to get the spine back to its’ proper position. Your Cervical Curve is very important to overall spinal health.

If you have any neck, shoulder or back issues try chiropractic!! Medicine will only mask the pain until you have really injured your spine and muscles and surgery is always a gamble if it will work or not.

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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