Got Neck Pain?

Chiropractors are known for helping low back and neck pain. In fact, 57% of people who experience low back or neck pain visit the chiropractor. (That number should be 100%!) When you have pain, you have inflammation in the area of pain and over time […]

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Lightning Pain

I recently cut cable and luckily I don’t listen to many commercials anymore. But, if you listen to any pharmaceutical or vaccine commercial, they will make you fear whatever ailment they are pushing their agenda for. If you close your eyes and listen there is a […]

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Gut Brain Connection

Have you ever heard of the gut brain connection? If you have dove into health and prevention and how the body works, you probably have. For everyone else you probably think it sounds crazy! There are many books about the connection, if you wanna pick […]

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When You Need to Detox

Do you have any annoying symptoms that just won’t go away? Achy joints or muscles, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, allergies or gas? Or how about more serious problems such as autoimmune diseases, migraines, asthma, acne, irritable bowel, reflux, or arthritis? Here are some common symptoms […]

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand. The condition occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand, the median nerve, is compressed as it travels through the wrist.  Symptoms usually start gradually, with frequent burning, […]

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