Why Diet Pills are BAD for Your Health

Everyone wants a quick way to lose weight. But, they don’t want to put the effort and work into actually losing weight. Why? Because people believe dieting is hard or you don’t get to eat how you want for a short period of time. So many people turn to diet pills for a quick fix.

Newsflash. Diets don’t work! To maintain a healthy weight, you are going to have to make a lifestyle change.

Diet Pills

Diet pills claim they can help:

  • Curb your cravings for food
  • Make you feel full before you’ve had too much to eat
  • Speed up your metabolism
  • Slow down your body’s fat production
  • Keep your body from absorbing the fat in the foods you eat

But some of the popular ingredients in weight loss products have been banned by the FDA because of harmful side effects like these:

  • Increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Agitation
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleeplessness
  • Kidney problems
  • Liver damage
  • Rectal bleeding

Side effects aren’t commonly discussed when one turns to diet pills. Another “side effect” is when you quit taking the diet pill, you will gain back all the weight that you lost. So all that time is wasted and there is a possibility of major side effects while taking the pills. When you put a chemical into your body, there are ALWAYS consequences. You have to determine how much you are willing to risk.

Lifestyle Options

Diets can be tricky. Popular diets in 2018 are: the “Keto” diet, the “Paleo” diet, The Alkaline diet, Whole 30, Carb cycling, and Intermittent fasting (to name a few). So how do you choose whats best for you? One that you WILL stick to! Like I said this needs to be a lifestyle change, if you start one and don’t stick to it, you need a different “diet”.

I personally suggest getting a food allergy test, just to make sure you aren’t causing more harm than good. Also, in whatever diet you choose. YOU HAVE TO CUT SUGAR! When you cut sugar, you cut all the “bad” from you diet anyway. (This includes pastas, breads, desserts, boxed food, fast food, soda.)

How Chiropractors Can Help

Chiropractors are doctors that are trained on how to treat the body without drugs or surgery. We study nutrition, vitamins, natural herbs, and all things “crunchy”. We focus on adjusting, muscles, and  diet. While cutting out the “bad” in your diet to lose weight, you can also help ease aches and pains from the sugar and extra weight, you will be shedding.

Chiropractors can help you with whole body health and wellness. If you have questions or concerns dealing with your health, diet, boosting your immune system or alternative ways to live a healthy lifestyle; give us or a chiropractor near you a call.

~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036

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