Is it Safe to Take an Aspirin everyday?

Aspirins are fine for the occasional headache, stomach cramps, or tooth pain, though popping them like candy is a terrible idea. Aspirin is a salicylate (chemical derived from salicylic acid), having anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. It is often used to treat acute and chronic pains related to underlying health conditions or personal injuries; another of its uses is as a blood thinning agent. Aspirin tends to decrease the stickiness and viscosity of blood, which helps prevent heart stroke, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases.

Why people take an aspirin everyday?

Low dose aspirins are widely available at pharmacies and drug stores as OTC medication, which can be bought without a doctor’s prescription. Aspirin is generally perceived as an inexpensive and harmless painkiller, though it can produce harmful side effects if you take heavy dosage or consume it too frequently. Studies suggest that an aspirin a day can greatly reduce the chances of suffering a heart attack and increase the probability of surviving a stroke. 

Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S has a heart stroke, and over 2,300 people die of it every day. Given the alarming statistics, many adults in the U.S take an aspirin everyday to reduce their risks of suffering from a cardiovascular disease. Most of them have never been diagnosed with a heart problem or even experienced symptoms that might suggest a compromised heart condition. They believe that the ‘aspirin a day’ formula is safe, so they abide by it without consulting a medical professional.

Pros vs. Cons

While the regime surely does reduce the risk of heart attack by 15-20%, it also increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding by 50% and intracranial bleeding by 35%. As you may conclude, the disadvantages easily outweigh the benefit. As aspirin reduces the blood’s clotting potential, too much of it may induce internal bleeding, especially in the gut and brain. The side effects and their severity differ from person to person, depending on their overall health.

Clinical trials and medical records involving heart patients prove than that one low dose of aspirin per day can be a lifesaver, however there are always exceptions. If you are in fairly good health with no family history of cardiovascular diseases, you should avoid the aspirin regime. In case you have had a stroke before or consider yourself at high risk of encountering one, consult your doctor before starting the daily aspirin therapy. This is especially crucial if you are already taking other prescription drugs. 

Low potency aspirins are usually safe for healthy individuals between the ages of 16 and 60, as long as taken in moderation. However, they can be dangerous for children and seniors of age 70 and above. If you are already on medication for blood thinning or blood pressure, adding an aspirin to the mix can have adverse effects. Similarly, aspirin is not recommended to someone with indigestion or other stomach issues. Aspirin should always be taken with food or after eating a meal, because it can damage the lining of an empty stomach.

Aspirin should not be taken with ibuprofen or other painkillers either. These drugs contain the same class of chemicals, which thereby intensify the side effects when consumed together; an exception is paracetamol. 

Author Bio

John Adams is a lifestyle blogger who creates content focused on healthcare and personal well-being. He encourages readers to take care of their body and mind to live an ideal life. He also stresses on improving one’s quality of life via positive thoughts and actions. Blogging about personal opinions and life experiences makes John happy, and he is always open to constructive criticism.


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